Jewelry E-commerce Solution

“Tiara Diamond & Jewelry Web Solution”

Tiara E-Com - B2B or B2C

“Virtual ePresence with Multi or Single Global Stores”

Multi Frontend Web Stores for B2B, B2C, B2C2C with different policies to link with Tiara Data engine. Complete control over the Data and Policies on different Stores.

1. Customized Pages for different Stores
2. Template (Scheduler)
4. Product Display with Zoom
5. Product Recommend with Social Network ( F, M, Tw)
6. Catalogue (Scheduler) or Customize.
7. Enquiry Pad.
8. Appointment Management.
9. Order Request.

Visit Portfolio

12. Blog Linking.
14. Payment Gateway Integration with leading Providers.
15. IP control management
16. Boot strap Technology to adjust the browser environment
17. Multi Language English (default)
Thai, Chinese, Japanese and Russian.